“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hey there...

Quick update on the tri front.

Since my last blog, I was struck down by a vicious sinus cold which put a cramp in my training...and my schoolwork...and my sleep...and my life, really.

Honest-to-God, I was so sick that at one point I crawled under my desk with a cup of tea because, in my teary-eyed delusion, I thought it would make me feel better. And, on top of that, I still had to walk to the bus stop and get my butt to school each day because apparently lab demonstrators don't care if you can't breathe or talk, there are samples of estuary water that need to be tested for pH!

Anyway. I've had some successes in the tri department, regardless. I shall shamelessly update you on my somewhat less-than-impressive running successes. My long term goal for the tri course was to be able to pace this guy in the class for the 2.5k run, but I did so last Sunday. We even had a conversation the whole way!

I've been running on the treadmill lately, as I'm still somewhat recovering. I've been upping my mileage over the course of the week, and so far I'm up to 4.5k, which is almost double last week. My min/mile has been dropping as I get stronger, and I'm looking forward to seeing it decrease!

I'm hoping, for this month or so, to log a 5k time under 25min, which I think should be possible. By race time, I should hopefully get it sub-20, or at least sub-22. I shall work hard!

My roommates have started the TriForce, my training support team, who basically will cheer me on when I finish my first triathlon. They might make tshirts, I'm not sure. But by all means, feel free to join. We'll have a barbeque at my house after, hopefully my family will come up and my nieces will be there to cross the finish line with me! :)

I've also graduated from frozen yogurt to normal and frozen fruit to fresh in my smoothies. Addiction to blackberries starts now.

In other news, I'm now also addicted to rock climbing. Yes, I tried it at the gym and it was really fun. Calling all climbing buddies, come belay for me and I'll return the favour!! I'll have to get some decent climbing shoes first.

Also, you can look forward to an upcoming blog post on environmental thinking...it'll be more or less a paper I'm writing for one of my classes but it should be very interesting.

Oh, almost done my sweater, too. I need to knit the sleeves and cuffs, then add the zipper, but it should be wearable in a week or two :) Woo!

Anyway, have a great week, try not to get sick!

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