“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hello, again.

Would ya look at me, updating once again.This is madness!

I have to say, I should be updating more often with more of my pseudo-philosphical thoughts, but to be honest I haven't really been thinking too hard lately. I'm not finding my classes this semester to be challenging at all, however they're so time-consuming that I don't get to spend much time reading. Speaking of, I'm hoping to finish The Shack by William Paul Young, and hopefully break out my old copy of Walden to spark that old environmental flame...I might even hunt down some Aldo Leopold.

So what has my life been filled with as of late?

I'm not even sure.

I've been trying to keep up my training, but it's kind of slowed down a bit. Still running strong, though. I managed to run Armour Hill up Hunter St. 6 times the other day (woo!) and I did a quick 2.5k around campus yesterday followed by the OC stairs a few times. I also biked to tri clinic on Sunday, trying to avoid the many puddles. The weather's been nice lately...can't wait to take the road bike out for a spin.

Classes have been....gruelling. Fairly uninteresting, unfortunately. I'd like to say that I'm learning some new and valuable information, or that I'm at least being inspired to undertake new projects or research on my own...But I'm not. Quite frankly, I'm a little annoyed with Trent as we're taught the same things over and over again without much deviation. I know it's very important, and it was very interesting the first time I heard about it, but if I have to hear about eutrophication and the ELA one more time, I'll explode.

Profs keep telling us not to focus on big cases such as Temagami or James Bay because they're sick of hearing about it...but you know what, there are important environmental case resolution lessons to be learned from those cases. Eutrophication is an ongoing issue, yes, but at least teach us about what's being done now, and what other related processes are important, not that it's just there, that Lake Erie died and came back, the end.

Sorry. Frustrated rant.

Somebody tell me something interesting, please. Something I can analyze or learn from or learn more about.

Anyway, what else have I been up to?

Looking for a job, for one. Something outside and active.

It has also been "surprise roommates with dinner" week, and so far we've had
-- maple salmon/wine and herb salmon with asparagus
-- chicken divan
-- pierogi casserole/lasagna
-- fettuccine and peas with homemade garlic bread
-- honey garlic sausages and baked potatoes (tonight)

Assignments are so much less exciting after a glass of wine...

Anyway, I need some fun in my life. Perhaps I'll make a music video or something.

I must be off now, though. My chariot awaits.

(aka the scary old lady who drives the east bank)

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