“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Key to Happiness

It has been over a year since the acquisition of my camera. I was contemplating this today, and thought, what a better tribute for Zeus and I’s first anniversary together than to showcase our year’s work? I’ve included a small amount of pictures (hey 50-some is small in terms of 365 days), some of which you may have already seen, some you perhaps haven’t.

I’m going to share a tidbit of information with you.

I know nothing about photography.

Not joking. I’ve barely even read the owner’s manual for my Olympus E-volt, never mind taken a photography class.

I don’t know a thing about how to take a half-decent picture.

But here’s my secret.

You don’t need to capture a beautiful photo as much as a beautiful moment.

For me, photography isn’t about getting the shot right; it’s about preserving a memory.

I think, through my photographic experiences, I’ve learned a little life lesson, which I’m going to share with you.

The key to happiness is seeing the beauty in small moments.

It’s taking the time to notice how amazing that millisecond is in its entirety. It’s taking a step back (or a step closer, in some cases) to look at the world around you, the land, the people, the animals, the sky, and seeing something special.

My approach to photography is fairly haphazard, but it works. I just do what I do on a day-to-day basis, except I have a shutter button to capture what I see for later.

I tend to forget how full our lives are with beautiful moments.

Children laughing, trees turning, water splashing, people smiling, even ducks with itchy butts.

Photography brings me back to appreciating the beauty of my life.

Colour, space, movement, light, dark, big, small.

It’s all there.

...if you can see it.

So, in no particular order, here are my beautiful moments, or some of them.
 Purple Aster in the Trent Nature Areas
 My sister, Ali, at the Peterborough Zoo
 Fall in Millenium Park
 Paddling at Charleston Lake, Ontario
 Cass, the stud
 One of my favourites -- Muskoka chairs at the Noonan's Nest on Salmon Trout Lake
 Clouds by the Oshawa Airport/field behind my house
 My Goddaughter, Kate, and friends colouring at my cousin's wedding
 Kate playing with my necklace at Dance for Life
 Dad, being a goof
 Danny wakeboarding on Salmon Trout
 Some barnyard daisies in Kingston, Ontario
 An interesting dragonfly on the Rotary Trail in Peterborough, Ontario
 Waterdroplets on a leaf near Big Clear Lake outside of Apsley
 A cautious duckling
 An itchy duckling
 A waterfall by Millenium Park
 Fall in Nichols Oval, Peterborough
 A yellow flower in Millennium Park, Peterborough
 A particularly grumpy goat
 Gold taking a snooze in Kingston
 Spring grass somewhere unknown in Peterborough
 Hermann the Heron, landing at Charleston Lake
 A sunset house on the Otonabee River
 My little cousin (read, pretend niece) Jane Claire colouring thoughtfully
 Jane Claire, looking much more ferocious than above
 Some random person on a rock
 Why is said random person holding my Goddaughter? And wearing my scarf?

 Ohhhh, it's Jenny, looking happy at Charleston Lake
 Godfather Joey with little bro, Gerry (also known as Dad)
 Kate, being adorable with bubbles at my parents' house in Oshawa

 Kate, complete with ever-persent drool, holding her Mom's hand
 Mum, and long-time neighbour Karen sharing a laugh on Canada Day
 Fall in Nichols Oval, Peterborough
 Ground control to Major Tom, Gerry is about to flatten you.
 My personal favourite, loon with chicks on Big Clear Lake
 Middle Earth. Ok, no, it's the Lady Eaton Drumlin in fall colour
 My parents out back in Oshawa, Ontario
 Mushrooms on a log bench in Temagami, Ontario
 My very handsome father
 Sunset at the Silver Bean Cafe, Peterborough
 Those lovely chairs again
 My house in Peterborough, complete with storm, rainbow, and blooming cherry tree
 Relaxing at Bob's Cove on Charleston Lake
 Calm morning water at Charleston Lake
 Rain droplets on a white rose
 Hanging out at the cottage (only took one shot...photograph, I mean)
 My childhood best friend, Vickie, with some pretty cool Raybans
 A beautiful sunset on Charleston Lake
 Not from Zeus, but my boots overlooking Rat Lake near Gravenhurst, Ontario
 A plant and two friends near the Trent campus in Peterborough
 The Trent University John DePencier Trail
 Sunset on Sandy Inlet at Camp Wanapitei
Waterfall downtown Peterborough
Willy, one of my favourite and most inspiring teachers I've ever had the fortune to have; he taught me how to effectively deal with 'hiker's foot' :)

If you were patient and interested enough to make it to the end of the post, I thank you :) I'm also wondering if you'd like to leave a comment and tell me how you feel about the blog so far and the photos. Zeus and I have certainly been busy!

Also, I've been looking for more opportunities to shoot on a regular basis, so if you have people, pets, properties, plants, or even pork pies you want picturequely preserved, please give me a shout! I'd especially love to try my hand at portraits (not joking, despite the preposterous alliteration), so if you'd like some family photos free of charge give me a shout!

-- C


  1. awesome pictures catherine! You are so talented!
    Keep them coming.....mum x

  2. Well done, I have to agree with your mom, great pictures, including parts of Trent I don't think I have seen before


Hey, so I just figured out that I can have non-members comment -- so please go ahead! I love reviews :)