“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Friday, April 22, 2011

Random Thoughts

Ever have one of those days where you are incredulously self-aware?

Today was one of those days.

I don't know what brings them on. Perhaps today was due to a mix of reasons; Easter with my family, moving my sister into her new apartment, visiting my old elementary school, tucking another decade milestone into my pocket...who knows.

Today was one of those days. When you're finally able to step back and look at everything around you; to take a minute out to survey your life. Lessons learned from the past are spread out like a deck of cards. What seemed like a harrowing issue wasn't so important. What might case a problem in the future becomes a source of adventure.

I thought about a lot of things.

I think it'll turn out just fine.

In fact, I think I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.

I think it's good when that happens; I somehow feel that the contentedness I'm experiencing is fairly rare.

I'm happy.

I'm ready for what comes next.

Bring it on.

1 comment:

Hey, so I just figured out that I can have non-members comment -- so please go ahead! I love reviews :)