“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Monday, July 5, 2010

The True North, Strong and Free

"Canada is a good country to be from. It has a gentler slower pace - it lends perspective."
-- Paul Anka
After two consecutive cottage weekends, I'm feeling refreshed, inspired, and a little bit tired. Okay, maybe slightly hungover too, but I'm sure Canada didn't mind me celebrating her birthday with a local Laker or two.

I know that I'm very in touch with my 'nature side', as my dad would call it, but I do think it's important for everyone to really appreciate where we live and the beauty of our country...as well as gain some insight as to why it's important to keep it as beautiful and producitve as it is now.

I can only hope that my kids can spend weekends up North as I have for years now and swim in clean lakes and rivers, climb hundred year old trees, sit out in the sun...It's as important as it is fun to take some time to relax and live life at a slower pace, see the world and our beautiful surroundings as they should be.

People are always questioning Canada's identity. I feel, however, that although we don't boast about much, Canadians are the type of people that live in small towns; the type that sit back and relax in their backyard, simply appreciating who they are and what they have, and not really putting too much worry on what others think. Locals know the best spots, and if they know what's best for those spots, they'll share them with a select few people they love, lest that place become ruined by traffic or tourism. I think Canada is much like this...we know and love our country, and aren't in a rush to define anything about it.

I think that's actually a good thing.

I could go on and on about this amazing country, but pictures say a thousand words, so here are a few Canada Day Weekend shots for you :)

Hope you had a good one!

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Hey, so I just figured out that I can have non-members comment -- so please go ahead! I love reviews :)