“If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I should say books, friends, and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature.”
-- John Burroughs

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I wouldn't say that I'm overly opinionated. I might come across that way at times, but there are certain things that I believe to be true.And if others don't share the same view, that is totally fine with me. I'm open to new ideas and someone changing my mind.
But I believe there are some fundamental, basic truths to life.
Some things that every kid should be raised knowing. Some things that as adults we forget far too often.
And I'm going to let you know what those things are.

Everything is about perspective.
It's about what's in focus in that moment in time. 
It's always hard to see the big picture. 
You have to be able to shift back and forth between things, like the lens of a camera.
The hardest part is piecing it all together in your mind.

The most successful people I know are experts at this. 
There's the past, the present, the future.
There's then, there's now, there's later. 
But they're not mutually exclusive. 

They all blend seamlessly together into one.
It's up to us to look carefully at each part and see how they fit.
You have to embrace that sometimes things are bigger than this very moment. 
And even if things seem out of focus, they'll clear up eventually. 

Life is an adventure.
It should be treated as one.
Sometimes we need to navigate uncharted waters. Sometimes they're calm, sometimes they're not.
And often, we're treated to an entirely new perspective. 
Sometimes, the world gets turned upside down. 
We need to accept change, embrace it. 
Because if you don't, you're going to end up up the creek without a paddle. 
And then there are these people.
The ones that make life enjoyable at all. Other people are the reason we can go on, most days.
Despite how hermetic and solitary you think you are, you depend on someone or something else in some way, every day of your life.
There are a few amazing people in the world.
And we are so fantastically lucky to have them.
Often, in fact, they are so amazing that we don't even realize it.
They are the ones that you look at, smile, and leap into the abyss together.

And why would you do that? 
Why would you not only risk your own well-being, but not even spend a moment thinking about it?
Because there are some people that we are blessed to know.
They are the people that just get you on a level you can't even comprehend.

They share your values, your beliefs, your passions, and even your hot dogs, on occasion.
They are friends, spouses, family.
They are the ones that matter.
And if you love them, you should let them know.
It's only too easy to take them for granted. 

Sometimes a truly great person is hidden. 
Sometimes, we don't appreciate them for what they are, or what they really mean to us.
Don't worry, it's normal. 
Great people are like endangered species.
Combined, there are lots of them, all over the world.
But usually, it's hard to find just one.

We need to constantly remind ourselves that these people are really one of a kind.
Having someone as inspiring and caring and helpful is not something to be taken for granted.
They are the people we want to be, the people we want to be around, the people we want to have for as long as we possibly can.

There are people that make us want to spread out our winds and soar.
You want to shout out to the world,
"Hey, I'm awesome! Check me out!"
Despite the fact that you may look like a total loony.

But one day, you realize, you never really wanted the whole world to know.
There was just that one person.
Those few people.
They were all that really mattered.
And they totally didn't mind that you acted like a loony, as long as it made you happy.
And as much as it  hurts, sometimes those people have to leave.
 Sometimes they pass away, or move to Madagascar. 
They slide out of our lives, and we don't realize how beautiful they are until they're gone.
Sometimes, we didn't even realize they were there in the first place. 

And that hurts.
So realize what you have while it's there!
Do your best to keep an eye out for a good person.
Love them as much as they love you.
Love them more!

If you're reading this, there is undoubtedly someone going through your mind as you read this.
Do yourself a favour.
Don't let them fly away before you realize what they are to you.
Send them an email, give them a call, buy them a pint.
You don't even have to be outright and tell them.
Just be aware of what they mean to you and why.

I can guarantee that your life will be better for it.

I can also do you one better.
Take chances.
Sometimes it's hard.
Risk is a tough think to deal with.
But you know what, a lot of the time it's worth it.
Sometimes it's worth throwing caution to the wind, reaching out our arms wide, and taking on the world.

Take love for example.
If you were reading that part about great people, people who understand you inexplicably, and you were thinking of someone, chances are, there's a reason.
No one ever fell in love without taking a risk.

There is someone who gets you down to your core. 
There's someone who will do anything to make you happy.
There is someone who will make you tea when you're sick, fold your laundry, take your kids to daycare, make you smile when you don't want to.
There is someone that you will do anything for.
There is someone you will go to the ends of the earth to make happy.
There is some you will willingly sit through Alice in Wonderland synched to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon with (even if it's horrid!) just because you know they love it.

There is someone.
You might already have that person.
Make sure you kiss them when you see them next, and tell them that you love them.
You might have lost that person.
Never forget how they made you feel. It's invaluable.
You might have someone in mind.
And if you have the slightest inkling that it could work, take that chance.

Remember: great people are like endangered species.
But people you truly live are much, much harder to find.
It's not worth it to let them go before you realize what could have been.
If you're thinking of someone.
Take that chance.

But you do need to be careful.
There are people out there who will take advantage of you.
And it's all to easy to forget.
It could be a wolf in sheep's clothing, someone you thought was a good person.

Or it could be unexpected.
You could be swimming around happily one day and the big bad hawk would unfortunately choose you.

Sometimes, when you've been raised in good company, you give too many people the benefit of the doubt.
Which is a good thing, and a bad thing in itself.
If you're like me, you see the good in everyone. You see potential, not failure.
You believe everyone is a heron inside, ready to bust open their wings and soar!

It's all too easy to forget.
Sometimes, we even try to fix a bad egg, hoping that one day, something truly beautiful will unfurl.

But we do get burned.
It happens.
Sometimes life gets the better of us.

We lose a friend.
We lose a significant other.
We lost a job.
We lose our car keys.

But we can go on. We have thick skin for a reason.
There are four layers, and together they are amazingly resilient.
We still have our friends, however. 
And we know that they'll help us through it, no mater how hard it seems. 

They'll hold you when you cry. 
They'll listen to you talk for endless hours.
They'll go to Home Hardware at 2 a.m. to get the plunger you're too embarrassed to buy.
  Or they'll simply buy you a pint and tell you to suck it up because you're better than that.

And you should never, ever be too proud to hang out with your family.
You'll realize, one day, just how much effort they put into making you who you are.
It goes beyond changing smelly diapers, you know.
Although that can get pretty gross.

Your family, even if you aren't technically related, are the people that are closest to you.
You decide who your family is. You can have lots of different families.
You can make your own.
But in order for them to be healthy, you need to have a whole lot of patience, a ton of honesty, and, most of all, more love than seems humanly possible.

Also, don't be afraid to spend some time alone.
You have to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else happy.
So love yourself, then you can love your friends.
Take a minute.
Sit back, look around you, and realize whatcha got.
Take time to recognize what's good in your life, and what isn't so much.

Just remember:
There are many beautiful things in life.
The truly spectacular isn't always unexpected.
Sometimes it's as ordinary as the Earth turning
But when everything falls into place at one time;
When we recognize all of the conditions that have culminated into one amazing moment;
When we open our eyes and appreciate everything for what it is;
Then, we can say we were truly living.